
Anonymous G

Editor In Chief, Content Curator


Bret Weinstein Goes on Tucker Carlson and Blames China for Invasion at the Southern Border; Never Mentions Zionist NGO's

Bret Weinstein Goes on Tucker Carlson and Blames China for Invasion at the Southern Border; Never Mentions Zionist NGO's

(Chaz Anon) The master of the Covid limited hangout, Brett Weinstein, in now playing the same game with the invasion at the southern border, blaming China for the mess, not the Jewish and Catholic NGO’s that are facilitating the migrant’s journey and entrance into the United States.

"...I came away with the sense that it's probably literally both [a migration and an invasion]..."

Bret Weinstein’s analysis is not 100% incorrect, but he doesn’t address the whole of the problem. He visited the Darien Gap last week in an attempt to understand just what is behind the sudden and overwhelming flood of migrants at the southern border of America.

Weinstein was led by Journalist Michael Yon, a former Green Beret turned investigative journalist, who made American’s aware of the Darien Gap, which is a crucial point for migrants traveling from South America to North America. This location acts as a natural barrier (where, for 60 miles, the Pan-American highway ends and deadly jungle begins) that saw over half a million migrants traverse its challenging terrain last year alone.

"The jungle in the Darien Gap is some place that one does not go without careful preparation. It is quite dangerous... They're sleeping on the ground, and so they get hypothermia. It's extremely slippery."

"You wonder why there's not a permanent team of New York Times reporters there trying to tell the rest of us what exactly is happening."

Through their journey, Weinstein and Yon uncovered a complex narrative involving not political asylum-seekers, but economic migrants and potentially orchestrated movements that appear coordinated by various NGOs (primarily Jewish and Catholic) , but Weinstein focused the Chinese migrant camps they encountered.

The first camp that Weinstein described visiting was full of migrants who were very open to discussing their stories with travelers, and looked superficially like the migration of Central Americans that we are constantly told about.

"Many of them are South American, but that is by no means the whole story. People are coming from the Middle East. We met Afghans. We met people from the Caribbean, Haitians. There are people from Yemen, Iran. It's shocking really."

He does mention the NGO’s but never calls them out specifically:

"You see, the hallmark of the international community. You see NGO emblems all over the place, proudly American flags. They've paid for the water system, the toilets that are there. The United States government is facilitating this economic migration. And it's unmistakable, as is an organization called the IOM, which is the International Organization for Migration. It's a branch of the UN.

And if you read their charter, you will discover that this organization believes that migration is an inherently good thing, that it's always good. And so they see it as their job to bring it about to facilitate it.

And in this case, that's particularly tragic because their desire to induce people to migrate is causing people who are woefully unprepared for the Darien Gap to try to make that journey. And, the the humanitarian tragedy is, is immense."

Weinstein then pivoted to contrast that experience with a second one, highlighting for Carlson how it had been "built as a transit camp" for "almost" all Chinese migrants.

"The SENAFRONT, the Panamanian border control, actually forbid us to go into the camp. So we had to stay on the outside of it. We were also forbidden to photograph it. So what photographs we have were taken covertly," Weinstein explained.

"These, Chinese folks who are overwhelmingly male, military age... It is not a friendly migration... This felt like people who did not want to share information, because it would be a mistake to do so."

Weinstein criticizes the lack of distinction made between political refugees and economic migrants at the US border, suggesting that the current policy framework is inadvertently supporting an unsustainable and potentially exploitative system.

This system, he notes, not only undermines the economic well-being of Americans but also contributes to a humanitarian crisis that is largely ignored by mainstream media and political discourse.

Watch the interview here:

The number of Illegal Immigrants per year:

2023: 3,201,144
2022: 2,766,582
2021: 1,956,519
2020: 405,036
2019: 859,501
2018: 404,142
2017: 310,531
2016: 415,816
2015: 337,117
2014: 486,651
2013: 420,789
2012: 364,768
2011: 340,252
2010: 463,382



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