
Anonymous G

Editor In Chief, Content Curator


We Live in the Most Extraordinary Age of Satanic Prophecy Come True

We Live in the Most Extraordinary Age of Satanic Prophecy Come True

(JUNG-FREUD) Because our daily lives are mainly concerned with mundane matters in a world that seems relatively stable and prosperous — even poor people are not starving in the West and have basic amenities — , most of us lack awareness of what an extraordinary period in history we are a part of. It is both curse and blessing as our time is both epochal and satanic. As I’m a non-believer, what I mean by ‘satanic’ isn’t necessarily spiritual or fantastical. Rather, there is something deeply diseased about the world despite all the advances in science, medicine, and technology. Being at the cusp of bio-genetic revolution, we have no way of knowing what humanity of the future may be like. But given the cancerous spirit of our times, those with the power to shape science and technology may do so for all the wrong reasons. At any rate, it is incredible that most people haven’t a clue as to why the current world-and-time is so extraordinary, amazing, and awesome. Part of the reason is, as stated earlier, most people fail to see the big picture because they are fixated on personal things. They care mostly about their jobs, family, and friends. Or, they are distracted by leisure and entertainment, especially as there’s plenty of those for people who don’t want to face reality. But, it’s also because people fail to see the significance of the period they are a part of unless it is over and can be reappraised with greater perspective. It’s like a hiker hasn’t a true sense of the distance he’s covering until he reaches a hilltop to survey the vast areas he’d traversed. A fuller significance of one’s experiences is appreciated only in retrospect. People during the Renaissance had no idea that they were living through a momentous epoch. History often happens like a dream in which strange and remarkable things happen but without the dreamer knowing he is in a dream. It is only upon waking and recollecting that he realizes what a remarkable dream-world he was in. Granted, there are exceptions, especially wars and revolutions. During such calamitous times, everyone is aware of the fact that History is happening in a big way. No one who lived in Paris during the French Revolution or in Poland during World War II could not have known of the gravity of what was going on. And since the rise of mass electronic media and their propensity for hype and sensationalism, people are inundated with impressions of micro-revolutions happening at all times. In a world where fashion and advertising mold our consciousness, we have a tendency to see politics and society as endlessly malleable and marketable. Then, it is hardly surprising that the Powers-that-be can so easily persuade the masses(like with shampoo commercials), from high to low, that ‘cool’ revolutions are happening all over. And indeed, when we remember all the gushy hypes about the New Economy, War on Terror, ‘Gay Pride’, BLM(Black Lives Matter), Slut Pride, Tea Party, Occupy Wall Street, Trans-gender movement, MAGA, and etc., it really does seem like there are lots of things happening all around. But, were most of them real revolutions or mostly fads… like the hippie and disco ‘movements’? In the end, it is the Ultimate Power that decides, and most pseudo-revolutions make some splash before receding into oblivion. Therefore, in order to understand the Real Revolution of our time, we need to ask, “Who now has the power?” The real power, that is. Or the power behind the power. The Power that can bolster or shut down the lesser powers. The power with its hand on the faucet to turn on-or-off the flow of history. Think of Hollywood with its ‘powerful’ stars and celebrities. They seem to define and dominate Hollywood, but in fact, they can be destroyed just as easily as they were made. And there are so many way to unmake them: Blacklisting, spreading rumors(real or false) & allegations, lawfare, and etc. Now, who constitute the real Power in Hollywood?

So, as remarkable as the many micro-revolutions may be, most of them did not make themselves or, at the very least, they couldn’t have come to fruition on their own. There had to be the Real Power behind them. Just like angels are nothing with God, these micro-revolutions are nothing without the Real Power. Consider BLM that seemed to be a real movement with unstoppable momentum. But in fact, Jewish media only hyped it in the hope of stirring up black rage in the 2016 election(and also to divert black rage at places like Baltimore and Ferguson away from New York and Chicago). It was also a bone tossed to blacks who felt mostly ignored by the Obama Presidency that mainly focused on Wall Street bailouts, Gentrification, Homomania, and Wars for Israel. But when BLM didn’t pan out as hoped, the Real Power abruptly de-funded it and ended the favorable media coverage, effectively shutting it down immediately. And the Real Power even went so far as to spread the rumor that BLM craziness had been instigated by the Kremlin. So, even though the ‘gay’ stuff, tranny stuff, BLM stuff, and Slut Pride stuff may all seem like the New Empowerments, their ebbs & flows and rises & falls have largely depended on the whims of the Real Power.

And it is by naming and understanding this Real Power that we can fully appreciate(as well as dread) the sheer extraordinariness of our times. We are living in the Age of Prophetic Fulfillment. In many ways, what had been promised to the Jews by God has come true. Jews have inherited the world. Given the astonishing aspect of this phenomenon, why don’t people know about it? Shouldn’t we all be talking about it? We are living in the Age when the People of the Book have come to control the world, and yet, the governing principle is, “Don’t you dare talk about Jewish Power.” For this reason, what has come to be can be called a Silent Revolution, Silent Prophecy, Silent Hegemony, Silent Supremacy. Or Esoteric Revolution or Esoteric Prophecy(or Eso-Revolution or Eso-Prophecy). Why the silence? Don’t Jews want to show their pride in their great power(like homos can’t get enough of ‘gay pride’)? All throughout history, those with the power displayed it with pride and pageantry. The British Empire didn’t hide its domination over much of the world. The Romans made sure everyone knew who was boss. The Spanish Empire was very visibly Hispanic. And yet, how strange that the greatest empire of all time, the Empire of Judea, will not declare itself as the rulers of the world. Granted, it’s an open secret because those who know really do know who has the real power. But if they are to enjoy the graces of the Power, they better characterize the power in another way, such as ‘liberal democracy’. So, we are to make-believe that whatever Jewish Power does is about spreading ‘liberal democracy’. Or ‘human rights’. Or ‘progress’. And if those concepts are too generic to inspire excitement, just pretend that the current ‘liberal democratic’ hegemony is about proselytizing globo-homo. At one time, most people would have gagged at the idea of the West spreading homo-worship around the world, but Jewish Power has warped the West into a radically different kind of civilization via its control over the media, academia, entertainment, and advertising. Homos(and even trannies) have been elevated to angelic status and associated with ‘rainbow’ happy-feely rapture. And so, many people in the West, especially in upper echelons, now believe that the West is the best and ‘most evolved’ because it is most adulatory of holy homos. But Homomania could never have been possible without the Real Power of the media, academia, state, entertainment, and advertising to indoctrinate the lesser-elites and ‘nudge’ the masses in that direction. And Jews knew that narcissistic homos would be totally loyal because homo privilege grew out of Jewish favoritism. It’s like, without God, angels would be nothing. And without George Soros, so many NGO’s would be nothing. Homos, in their venality and vanity(though there’s plenty of that among cuckservatives of GOP as well), favor privilege-uber-alles. They don’t care how morally and socially destructive Homomania is to society-as-a-whole as long as they get theirs. (We are living in the age of personal greed that promotes partial empowerment at the expense of the empowerment of the whole. We are told how wonderful it is for women to be ‘empowered’ by equality in the workplace, but no one thinks to ask what impact this has on society as a whole. With women taking more jobs from men, more men are rendered less marriageable. With women at work, they have less time for family and children. So, society-as-a-whole is dis-empowered in favor of partial empowerment of individuals or certain groups. It’s like empowering the tongue at the expense of the rest of the body. As we know, over-eating is bad for the whole body, but suppose the tongue insists on being ’empowered’ with its constant demand for sweet & creamy stuff. Good for the tongue but bad for the body that grows fat and diabetic. Men and women are biologically different and essential for different but complementary roles. Also, men need good jobs to get married and have a family while this is far less true of women. Men don’t mind supporting a housewife, but women do mind supporting a househusband. Also, if we allow men with high-paying jobs to marry women with high-paying jobs, two high salaries go into ONE household, and the result is capitalism at its worst that militates against the meaningful bio-socialism of National Humanism, aka Left-Right Neo-Fascism. Empowering the part at the expense of the whole will eventually undo any society. A part of society may gain MORE choice in the short run but, in failing to fulfill its essential role, society-as-a-whole grows sick and dies. The essential role of women is to bear children and create the next generation as inheritors of culture, memory, values, and meaning. Now, that is NOT THE ONLY function of females, but biologically speaking, it is the most essential. After all, you exist only because your mother had you. And your mother exists because her mother had her. So, before anything, there must be life. Existence must be the essence. This doesn’t mean a woman should have 10 kids, but she should at least have enough to maintain replacement levels so that future generations will carry on with the torch of identity, heritage, and culture. But because so many modern women only think in terms of MY choice, money, and status(as a young thrill-seeking woman) than duty and obligation[to biology and history], they fail to understand that their empowerment as careerists actually disempower them as wives and mothers who pass the torch down to the next generation. People today live like they are immortal, the individuals of the end of history when, in fact, they are just links in a chain. The 60s Counterculture swaggered like it discovered the Fountain of Youth, as if the young people constituted an autonomous identity; it is one reason why the boomers had an Aging Crisis right after college, as illustrated in THE GRADUATE. But look at the boomers today. Those born in 1945 are now quite old, and even the later boomers are passing from middle age to seniority. So many boomers are disoriented in their older years because they fixated so much on identifying with youth(and even raised their children the same way, which is why their kids identify more with Pop Culture than with their own folks and real culture). The cult of partial empowerment is one of the biggest problems facing the modern world, and this danger comes mainly from women’s demand for equal opportunity in upper-level employment. Such selfishness not only takes jobs from men[who need them more] but prevent women from fulfilling their roles as mothers and creators of the next generation. Would it make sense to empower everyone equally in a football team? Suppose offensive linemen complain that they don’t get to pass or run with the ball. So, in the name of equal empowerment for all players, the quarterback has to block while the offensive lineman gets to handle the ball. So, what will happen? The quarterback, who isn’t physically made for blocking, will get crushed. And the offensive lineman will most likely make a mess of the play. Capitalist feminism is worse than communist feminism. The latter stressed women as workers equal to men as workers. It was about working women married to working men. In contrast, capitalist feminism is all about women striving to reach higher, looking down on rest of humanity as ‘losers’, and hooking up with ultra-successful men to hog all the wealth and privilege for themselves.

Homomaniacs are just as bad as capitalist-feminists. A sane society knows that homosexuality is deviant and gross but also acknowledges that homos tend to have certain talents in creativity and insight. Also, it’s irrefutable that homos are born that way, and therefore, cannot be blamed for being homo. So, homos should be tolerated, and their contributions to society should be appreciated. It turns out homos do have a key role to play in civilization, especially in arts and design. But in their pride and vanity, bitchy homos demand more. They demand that the homo minority be empowered at the expense of society as a whole. Consider what sicko homomania did to marriage.

Sane people understand the essential meaning and importance of marriage. They know it’s a meeting of biological truth and moral necessity. Homosexuality cannot live up to those standards because it is about fecal penetration and unnatural & dysfunctional acts. But homos insisted on their ‘sexuality’ being recognized as equal in biological categorization(that would have us believe a homo man’s anus is a ‘sex organ’ like a woman’s vagina) and moral meaning. So, society as a whole has been force-fed the lie of ‘two daddies’ or ‘two mommies’ when, in fact, the kids involved are the products of heterosexuality, a mother and a father. When a society begins to lie to itself like that to appease the vanity of a tiny narcissistic minority that happens to be favored by corrupt and demented Jews, it grows diseased as a whole. Notice that Jews have gotten ever more emboldened in their mendacity after having hookwinked the goyim with nonsense time and time again. They feel, “If we can put this BS over them, what can we not get away with?” Jews see the world in terms of hands and clay. Jews see themselves as the hands and see dumb goyim as the clay that can be molded into anything. Jewish hands turned the clay ‘gay’.)

The current Jewish Empire that rules the world is surely the strangest super(duper)power the world has ever seen. It is, at once, the biggest power that ever was and the biggest secret in the world. As Jews control the media & academia, they’ve managed to hoodwink(or browbeat) so many people into not seeing what is really there. Also, as Jews have bought over most goy elites(and/or threaten them with ruination of career suicide unless they play the game), even people-who-matter who know the truth would rather not say what they know. There have been exceptions, to be sure, but then, even John Mearsheimer, the author of THE ISRAELI LOBBY, introduced his book with profuse(and pathetic) disavowal of ‘antisemitism’. Of late, he’s written a new book where he pretends that the current US power is about ‘liberal hegemony’ or ‘liberal democracy’ when, in fact, it’s really about tribal oligarchy and tribal supremacism of the Jews.

How is it that a power so great can remain a secret(even if an open secret to some)? Other than the Jewish control of media, academia, and whore politicians, it is because Jews don’t have an obviously mighty national center. There is Israel, but it is more a beneficiary of Worldwide Jewish Power than its progenitor. In essence, Jewish Power is about minority networking across the globe than centered in a nation that is majority Jewish. Even in the nation where Jews have the most power, the US, they are merely 2% of the population. In France, UK, Germany, Russia, Brazil, Mexico, and other nations where Jews have considerable influence, they are an even smaller percentage of the population.

In contrast, Great Britain was not only mostly Anglo but transformed into a great national power before it expanded worldwide into a great imperial power. Same was true of France. Their imperial power grew out of their national power. Jews were never the dominant majority in a nation deemed a great power. Jews gained power as minorities, and it was this networking and coordination that made Zionism and Israel possible. Indeed, despite Israel’s successes, it wouldn’t have amounted to much IF NOT for the backing of the big powers(that take orders from Jewish elites). So, Jewish influence could hide within the power of goy-majority nations. Since most UK politicians are British and most French politicians are French, a carefree observer may believe that UK is ruled by Brits and France is ruled by the French… and that the US is ruled mostly by white non-Jews since most politicians are white gentiles. But in fact, as Jews control the banks, high-tech, profitable vice industries, media, academia, and the Narrative, they use most goy politicians as sockpuppets or cuckpuppets. Jews pull the strings, but because Jews-as-puppet-masters is deemed an ‘antisemitic trope’, Jews can easily denounce and destroy anyone who notices Jewish strings that animate the goy puppets. So, the truth about Jews must not be said because bad ‘anti-semites’ once used to peddle such bigotry. Most people are driven more by a sense of right or wrong than true or false, i.e. they are less interested in the facts of Jewish power than governed by taboos decreeing what is approved and what is outrageous. Shows like THE VIEW are less about sharing information than controlling mass opinion by cuing the audience as to which views will elicit applause or opprobrium.

Because Jews can use goy politicians as fronts — some of these fronts or buffers are truly laughable, like dummy-doll rubber-boy Marco Rubio — , it can go a long way to maintain the facade that Jews don’t have all that much power. Just focus on Marco the dummy, and don’t pay any heed to the Jewish donors who prop him up. Just focus on Hillary and forget about her biggest donors all being Jewish oligarchs. Even though Jews can’t fool everyone, they can fool enough people, certainly the majority as most goyim are either gullible or too distracted with trashy pop culture to care about the world. As for the elites in politics, media, and academia, they either fear or are owned by Jewish Power. Rubio is a dummy, but he surely knows that he’s a puppet-dog of the Jews. He chooses to be one because it’s better than being a total non-entity, which is what he’d be without his Jewish backers. Why would he or anyone else in politics dare speak the truth? Why not just go along with the charade and be treated as ‘statesmen’ by the compliant media and dummy electorate? “Well, it’s a living.”

If Jews had a great national base, perhaps they’d be more forthright in their power projections. Their global power would be like the rays emanating from the Sun. Russia and China have gigantic national power bases. Even if China or Russia were to withdraw from the world, it would be a considerable power in its own right. Same is true of Iran, at least within the context of Middle Eastern politics. But Jews have no such power. Their power depends on controlling the cuck-elites and minions of goy nations. If there were no Jews in UK, France, Russia, Germany, US, Brazil, Mexico, and etc, those nations go on as usual. They may suffer from lack of Jewish genius, but there are enough smart and even genius people in many goy nations to keep the system going just fine. But what would Jewish power be if it couldn’t control and manipulate goyim? Jewish Power cannot be the Sun — Jews on their own lack sufficient demographic mass to become a world power — , which is why they rely on the power of mirrors to direct goy sun-rays to suit Jewish interests. This is why it’s so important for Jews to control the media(and why Jews hate RT and alternative media so much). Via the media, Jews can control the direction of rays to create a false illusion of reality, such as the ‘Russia Collusion’ hoax.

Because the Empire of Judea is a Secret Empire, the power dynamics around the world seems downright surreal at times. Also, the Jewish Empire is the only great empire where the ruling people have played an insignificant or even non-existent role in the military dimensions of the expansion. While all great empires had to eventually rely on foreign mercenaries, slaves, or conscripts for manpower, they all began with domestic ‘national’ commanders & troops who continued to play a central role even as the empire grew ever larger. For most of its history, Roman Empire relied on Roman manpower. British troops did most to maintain the empire in all five continents. This was also true of the French, Russian, and Japanese empires. And the Anglo-American Empire up to World War II was mostly about white Americans fighting in neo-imperialist wars. In contrast, apart from Jewish role in Bolshevism and Zionism, Jews have done everything to avoid military combat. (It’s no wonder Jews were overwhelmingly for lifting the draft during the Vietnam War. They didn’t want their kids to die in wars.) Jewish Bolsheviks were fierce & committed warriors and could be as ruthless and bloody as any other military force. Communism was the ONE universalist idea for which many Jews were willing to fight and die for. The OTHER idea for which they were willing to fight and die for was Zionism and for obvious reasons. (Nothing fuels courage like nationalism.) But when it came to all other conflicts and struggles, Jews preferred to out-source all the fighting, killing, and dying to goyim. Jewish Power goaded the UK and US to enter World War II to defeat Nazi Germany, though ultimately, it was Germany and Japan’s recklessness that drew USSR and US into the war. Jewish Power pushed the US into Wars for Israel beginning with the Gulf War. Especially in the Wars for Israel, Jews preferred to do the talking while making goyim do all the walking. This is why many goyim are upset with Jews who call for these wars to stop ‘new hitlers’ while refusing to do the fighting themselves.(But then, it doesn’t matter what the masses have to say. Whispers from within the castle ring louder in the ears of the king than cries from outside the walls. It’s the Jewish insiders who have the ears of Presidents.) If indeed Jews really want to face off against all these Muslim nations, then American Jews should all move to Israel, pick up arms, and wage war on Iran and any other nation they don’t like. But Israeli troops are maintained just to defend Israel, and Jews insist that AMERICAN GOYIM must militarily deal with Iran. Zionist soldiers exist to preserve Israel’s national integrity while goy soldiers exist to serve Jewish imperialist ambitions. Imagine a Jew who wants the house of a rival to be burned to the ground. If so, why doesn’t he risk his own life & limb(and those of his sons) to raid and burn down the rival’s house? Too risky, so he and his sons remain safely ensconced in their own house and will risk their lives only when the house itself is threatened. As for burning down the other house, Jews call on goyim to do it. Thus, it is goyim who end up risking life & limb in the process. Also, if the house-burning ends up especially ugly, all the blame goes to the goyim while the Jews, the very people who instigated the attack, watch from a distance and lament the cruelty of wicked goyim. Notice how Jewish Hollywood, with the movie VICE, tries to dump the blame for the Iraq War on the lap of Dick Cheney as the evil mastermind. (Never mind that Cheney & Bush relented to Neocon demands to win over rich & powerful Jews to the GOP.)

Now, of course, Jews know what is really up. Granted, not all Jews as there are plenty of naive or stupid Jews. Also, some Jews are just lost in degeneracy or ridiculous enough to ‘get high on their own supply’. Smart Jews mold and push certain ideologies to serve the ‘higher’ purpose of IIGFJ or “Is it good for Jews?” To be sure, ideological Jews may be lauded for their earnest commitment to the cause, but purity of principles hardly makes sense in the 21st century. When many Jews were earnestly communist, socialist, or libertarian, one could at least acknowledge the worthiness of those causes in their times and places. Communism and socialism arose at a time when many laborers lived in wretched conditions. Even if history has judged Marxism to have done more harm than good, it was fueled by noble sentiments and urgent necessities. As for Jews who championed liberalism or libertarianism(Ayn Rand and Milton Friedman), we can appreciate their commitment to individualism & liberty. Also, we mustn’t forget that during the Cold War, many intelligent people believed the Communist East would eventually prevail over the Capitalist West. Neo-liberal economics was once a minority view in media and academia, and it took certain individuals of courage and principles to stand up for them. (Also, it’s probably fair to say that many such economists had no idea that their theories would end up leading to new monstrosities.) Even if Francis Fukuyama was overly simplistic in declaring the End of History upon the closure of the Cold War, he was correct at least in one sense: No new ideology since then has carried any intellectual or moral weight. Indeed, one could argue that the Age of Ideology gave way to Age of ‘Idology’(ideology-of-idolatry). The Power always favors idology over ideology. When Stalin and Mao gained supreme power, they didn’t want to be challenged by ideological arguments(as the logic of ideology has its own rules independent of the ruler’s wishes). Stalin and Mao wanted to be obeyed unconditionally, and that required everyone to worship them as idols than approach them as standard-bearers of ideology. A political order that prioritizes ideology can expose anyone, even the powerful, as ideologically deficient. This is what Martin Luther did in his protest against the Catholic Church(though, on the subconscious level, it may have been his repressed quasi-pagan Teutonic energies railing against the high civilization of Rome all over again, just like the explosive oratory of men like Martin Luther King was as much an outburst of repressed Afro-savage energies as delivery of spiritual message). Martin Luther had the better theological arguments against the much corrupted Church that relied more and more on iconography and ritualism to maintain its power. Ideology is about “Believe me because my argument is correct.” An argument can always be counter-argued. Idology is about “Believe me because I, yes the glorious I, am right.” It is a Cult of Personality.


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