
Anonymous G

Editor In Chief, Content Curator


Nancy Pelosi Appeared To Be On Drugs At The State of the Union Address

Nancy Pelosi Appeared To Be On Drugs At The State of the Union Address

(Chaz Anon) During my teen years I was around a lot of people on various drugs. Weed, acid, ecstasy, and meth were the most common. I learned to be pretty good at spotting someone that is high, and from their disposition I could figure out what they were most likely on.

Nancy Pelosi was HIGH as a kite last night during the State of the Union address.

She was fidgeting about the whole time while also doing weird tweaker moves with her mouth, kinda grinding her teeth a bit. At one point she got excited and stood up and cheered when Biden talked about soldiers breathing toxic smoke from burn pits.

I’ve seen old bags that pop adderall and Xanax act pretty weird so maybe that is what is happening here. Or perhaps, Nancy was gacked out like a desert meth head stealing copper wires from a trailer park.

Here’s a longer clip of Nancy acting strange.

Nancy Pelosi was so out of her mind and weird that the juxtaposition made Kamala Harris look stoic in comparison.

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