
Anonymous G

Editor In Chief, Content Curator


Did The United States Blow Up The Nordstream Pipeline?

Did The United States Blow Up The Nordstream Pipeline?

(Chaz Anon) When it comes to warfare, you must always ask yourself who benefits from a particular action? Now that ‘someone’ has blown up Russia’s underwater pipeline in international Baltic Sea, the geopolitical chessboard has been enthusiastically flipped over.

The mainstream media is trying to sell us on a “Putin did it” narrative. But how does this action benefit him? It doesn’t, so we can rule out that idiotic propaganda. Why blow up an asset which is literally your biggest piece of leverage?

The neocons blame Putin for every deceptive, corrupt n’ crooked thing they do.

People are talking (or posting on twitter) about Joe Biden and Victoria Nuland yapping about getting rid of the Nordstream 2 pipeline before the war in Ukraine broke out.

Brazilian Election Fraud: Bolsonaro Huge Lead Disappears Via Statistically Improbable One-Way Vote Dumps

Brazilian Election Fraud: Bolsonaro Huge Lead Disappears Via Statistically Improbable One-Way Vote Dumps

It's Official: Biden Is Senile and Unfit To Be President

It's Official: Biden Is Senile and Unfit To Be President