
Anonymous G

Editor In Chief, Content Curator


Transsexual in Wig Attacks Scientist Dr. Shiva’s Fiancé at Peaceful Truth Freedom Health Rally

Transsexual in Wig Attacks Scientist Dr. Shiva’s Fiancé at Peaceful Truth Freedom Health Rally

( At a standout in Cambridge, a local group of working women came to share the message of the Truth Freedom Health® movement. They handed out flyers and cards saying “Working People Unite, Truth Freedom Health®.” One of these working women was Dr.SHIVA’s fiancé.

As this standout was coming to a close, an enraged individual wearing a wig, charged this group of working women, and demanded to speak with Dr.SHIVA while shouting obscenities against their message of Truth Freedom Health. He accused them falsely claiming that Dr. Shiva and they were “Q-Anon,” and was livid they were not supportive of Big Pharma’s forced medical procedures…

…The assailant attacked two of the women when he could not get to Dr. Shiva, and repeatedly and rapidly punched Dr.SHIVA’s fiancé in her chest multiple times. This video captures one of those assaults:

Glenn Greenwald Slams 'Dystopian' MTG Twitter Ban In Epic Thread

Glenn Greenwald Slams 'Dystopian' MTG Twitter Ban In Epic Thread

Dr. Robert Malone Says Federal Government is “Lawless” and Actively “Violating the Nuremberg Code”

Dr. Robert Malone Says Federal Government is “Lawless” and Actively “Violating the Nuremberg Code”