
Anonymous G

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President Joe Biden’s CNN Town Hall Gaffes

President Joe Biden’s CNN Town Hall Gaffes

(Christine Favocci) President Joe Biden can’t hide out in his basement anymore, and that’s creating some problematic — and highly entertaining — gaffes from the 78-year-old commander in chief.

Breitbart recently ranked Biden’s top “cringeworthy moments” from just one CNN town hall with host Anderson Cooper Tuesday.

We think five of theirs are pretty spectacular, but we threw in one more of our own that is jaw-dropping.

1. Making Racist Assumptions

The bumbling politician with a history of racially insensitive remarks was at it again when asked about racial disparities for COVID-19 vaccinations.

“A lot of people don’t know how to register. Not everybody in the community, in the Hispanic and the African-American community, particularly in rural areas that are distant and/ or inner-city districts know how to use, know how to get online to determine how to get in line for that COVID vaccination at the Walgreens,” he said.

According to Biden, minorities can’t handle the internet? That’s rich coming from an old white guy who couldn’t put a pen in his own pocket.

2. Excusing Humanitarian Violations

In all fairness, Biden is not the first Democrat to defend brutal regimes, but he happens to be the most recent. The president chalked up Chinese President Xi Jinping’s dictatorship as necessary for a “united, tightly controlled China” and excused human rights violations as a cultural difference.

“I’m not going to speak out against what he’s doing in Hong Kong, what he’s doing with the Uighurs in the western mountains of China and Taiwan, trying to end the One-China policy by making it forceful,” Biden bumbled as he explained why he wouldn’t pass judgement on the abuses and horrors happening there.

“Culturally there are different norms in each country, and their leaders are expected to follow,” he explained.

3. Saying Kids Aren’t People

Once again, Biden is not the only Democrat to admit they don’t think children are human (hence their delight in killing the unborn), but this botched joke cuts twice against the notoriously creepy president fond of getting too close to young girls.

“Everybody knows I like kids better than people,” Biden told Cooper.

Indeed they do.

4. Lying About the COVID-19 Vaccine

For the love of truth, will someone please tell Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris to quit lying about the COVID-19 vaccine?

Even Dr. Anthony Fauci, coronavirus guru and director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, debunked the myth that former President Donald Trump left the incoming administration in a lurch.

“It’s one thing to have the vaccine, which we didn’t have when we came into office, but a vaccinator,” Biden said, lying so badly that even the leftist fact-checkers had to work overtime to defend.

“How do you get the vaccine into someone’s arm?” he continued nonsensically.

As Breitbart pointed out, “The first dose of the Pfizer vaccine was given on December 14 and the first dose of the Moderna vaccine was given on December 22 — a month before he was inaugurated on January 20, 2021.”

5. Parodying Himself

For the entire presidential campaign, Biden was the butt of endless jokes about his senility. Apparently, he decided it was time to make his own joke — or he really is losing it.

“You’ve already spent a great deal of time at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, except now you’re living there and you’re president. It’s been four weeks. What’s it like? How is it different?” Cooper slobbered.

“I get up in the morning, look at Jill, and say ‘Where the hell are we?’” Biden responded, not realizing that it wasn’t incredulity we were all assuming for his confusion.

6. Assuming White Supremacists Lurk in the Military and Law Enforcement

This last one is not at all funny, and is particularly troubling because he actually meant what he was saying.

Knowing that it is the race-baiting extremists that butter his bread, Biden naturally jumped on white supremacy as “the greatest threat to terror in America: domestic terror” rather than the movement that actually burned down American cities all summer.

Fine, until he went on to slander the men and women in uniform with that charge.

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee professor Joel Berkowitz asked the president what he would do to address the “complex and wide-ranging problem” of white supremacy.

“I would make sure that my Justice Department and the Civil Rights Division is focused heavily on those very folks, and I would make sure that we, in fact, focus on how to deal with the rise of White supremacy,” Biden responded.

“[Y]ou see what’s happening — and the studies that are beginning to be done, maybe at your university as well — about the impact of former military, former police officers, on the growth of white supremacy in some of these groups.”

Biden can’t even make it through a fawning softball interview on a friendly network without saying ridiculous, outlandish and untruthful things.

This is why he was an awful candidate who’s turned into a mess as president now.

There’s a reason they stuck Joe in the basement during the entire campaign — his handlers knew the only way anyone would vote for him is if they never heard him speak his mind.

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