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China Closing Emergency Hospitals, Media Still Hyping Coronavirus

China Closing Emergency Hospitals, Media Still Hyping Coronavirus

(Chaz Anon) Authorities in Wuhan have closed the city’s first makeshift hospital after discharging the last batch of 34 recovered coronavirus patients, as the rate of infection in the city has dropped dramatically.

With the China claiming to have the coronavirus outbreak managed, and with that closing the first emergency hospital, hopefully will be good news for the financial markets. That being said, some financial experts have predicted economic collapse in 2020, and that the coronavirus is simply an excuse for an already questionable stock market and global economy. But from a positive perspective, If China could get control of this major outbreak, they can share their successful model with the rest of the world to follow. 

China is projecting to close out another temporary 2000 bed hospital by the end of the month, leaving traditional medical facilities to deal with the remaining ill. That is a good sign, but should be met with criticism until evidence is presented to confirm.

Iran is still struggling with some its top level of government people and family members dying of the virus, those in the senior citizen high death rate zone. Everyone older person needs to lay low while this spread works its way through.

Iran has moved fast on ramping up the supply logistics to deal with the spread. Every country will have its unique issues to deal with. A lot will have been learned for the next time that this happens, which will save lives and the economic convulsions we have had, according to reports.

Wuhan was the site of the original outbreak of the coronavirus epidemic, and the city’s response, building a new hospital in less than two weeks to handle Covid-19 patients, was seen as a modern marvel with the total number of hospital beds in the city eventually going from 5,000 to 23,000.

The hospital’s last patients were given the all clear late Monday, according to state broadcaster CCTV, amid a sharp decline in Covid-19 cases in Hubei province, with less than 200 new cases reported for the first time since January. Outside of Hubei province, there were only six new cases confirmed in mainland China over the weekend. 

The hospital is one of 16 built across Hubei province to handle the epidemic, in which at least 12,000 people have been treated.

In China alone, the total number of officially reported Covid-19 infections stands at 80,026 with the death toll reaching 2,912 as of Sunday evening.

The head of Wuhan’s largest temporary hospital, located in an exhibition centre with beds for 2,000 patients, confirmed plans to shutter that facility by the end of March.

“If nothing special happens, I expect the operation of our makeshift hospital, the biggest one in Wuhan, could complete its historical mission by the end of March,” said Dr. Zhang Junjian, the director of the hospital.

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